Rich-text not displaying in Forms 2.0

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Rich-text not displaying in Forms 2.0

All of a sudden, we are experiencing the following issue with Forms 2.0.  I'd be interested to know if others are experiencing this as well.  I've also opened up a support ticket.

Add a rich-text block between the last field of the form and the submit button.  Just add something simple like "test content".  Save it.  Preview the form.  The text is not visible and does not get saved to the form once I approve.
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Re: Rich-text not displaying in Forms 2.0

I've seen the same thing. It doesn't seem to "take" the first time around, if I go back after the first approval and do it again, the text shows up.
Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Rich-text not displaying in Forms 2.0

Nothing I do will make it appear.
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Re: Rich-text not displaying in Forms 2.0


A couple things to try:

1. Make sure the "Visibilty Rules" are set to "Always Show".
2. Make sure the "Field Width" is set to something like 260.
3. Make a new form and try the steps you took before. Verify that you can reproduce the problem when starting from scratch. If this fails, clone the original form and try again. If you can create the text on the clone, Marketo's backend may have messed up your original form. If the text doesn't appear on the clone but does on the brand new test form, there's something up with your form.

Let me know how it goes.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Rich-text not displaying in Forms 2.0

Alan, none of the three items made a difference.  Marketo Support has been able to reproduce and has escalated this case.
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Re: Rich-text not displaying in Forms 2.0

Good to hear you're getting support. Once this has been resolved, please post the solution here in the event that someone in the future has this same problem.
Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Rich-text not displaying in Forms 2.0

BTW, Alan, you cannot choose "always show" for the Visibility Rules for Rich-Text.  Regardless of what you select, it defaults back to "disabled"
Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Rich-text not displaying in Forms 2.0

Marketo Support confirmed that this is a bug.  Here is the detail/workaround until it's deployed:

The issue you had is known and being worked on now to be resolved, it may even be resolved by our next release (it is into the coding stage so I can not guarantee it).

The workaround is very simple. After you make the place holder for the rich text part (when not connected to an existing field) keep hitting next and then save. When you come back it is blank. Click edit, paste in what ever you want it to be, and then hit save., Then next through and approve. now it will show.

The bug is the first time (if not connected to a field) it merely makes a place holder for the rich text. Then the second time you go through the are is "created" so click and edit it and whatever you put in and save will be there.

Although the fix is very simple, this is still a bug, and being worked on right now.