We use include and exclude filters extensively throughout RE reports. The filter lists are often the same across most reports – e.g., exclude operational, non-field-marketing channels. At times, we need to modify this kind of filter to add or to remove a channel, which means going through all reports and making this one change in as many places as there are reports using the filter.
Is it possible to create one master include (or exclude) list of channels to be used as a filter in multiple reports, so that, when a change to the filter is required, we need only to make it in one place?
It might be worth putting together some dashboards and utilizing Prompts so that you can simply select the lists you want. You can set the default selections in the dashboard, so you only have to change your include/exclude logic right in the dash, and it will let you change up to 9 at a time.
For channels you want to remove, you can go into the Admin>Channels>Tags section and make those channels invisible to RE. If you get into the habit of only including the channels you need in RE in the Admin section it might make it a cleaner update.