Re: Revenue Cycle Modeler - Leads missing

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Revenue Cycle Modeler - Leads missing

We recently activated our RCM. We ran several campaigns to distribute our current database into the various stages in the modeler. However, about half of the leads in our database are not in the modeler. Has anyone else experienced this issue? I am trying to find a pattern with the leads that were left out, but so far I don't see any. Should I just run the campaigns to add them to the stages once more? 

Thank you in advance for any help!
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Re: Revenue Cycle Modeler - Leads missing

It's possible that your smart campaign is still processing the leads.  You can check the Campaign Queue in the Marketing Activities tab to see if it is still running.  The other possible option is that your smart campaigns may not have selected all of your leads.  In the Schedule tab of your smart campaigns check the Smart List Status to see how many leads are set to be affected.  The total of these should add up to the number of leads that currently are not in a revenue stage. 
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Re: Revenue Cycle Modeler - Leads missing

This is a common issue and many companies fail to follow up on the model after the initial activation.  Getting this correct now and identifying gaps in the logic will save you from a future overhaul and months of bad data.
Looking for a pattern, as you are doing, is probably the best way to solve this. You might try testing two definitions of a stage and see if leads without a stage fall into the alternative definition.

Example: you use score over 100 to move to MQL
Current definition: lead score is over 100
Alternative definition: lead score is over 99
How to test: smart list with criteria "lead score is over 99 and not in RCM"
Going through this process for every stage can take a lot of time, but its far easier than staring at 3,000 lead records hoping to see a pattern.
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Re: Revenue Cycle Modeler - Leads missing

Hi Elliot - All of our campaigns have finished running. I believe when we set them up, we must have missed a group.

Hi Steven - Thanks for the suggestion, I am going to try that today. I am certain this would take less time than manually looking for a patter, especially since we have over 100,000 leads not in our RCM! 
