Return data from Marketo to non-Marketo page

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Return data from Marketo to non-Marketo page

I'm attempting some webform/Marketo integration and I've got a registration form set up on a non-Marketo page according to this help article:
It's working - form field data is posted to Marketo and the 'returnURL' value is set to the form webpage, reloading the page which is what I want.
But I'd like to perform some actions based on a successful form submission: set a cookie & display alternate 'registered' content. How would I let my page/form know that it's been successfully submitted?
I've tried overriding the submit button with a jQuery ajax() call but nothing is returned to it I think because of a cross domain issue - my form existing on one domain trying to retrieve data on another:
Any ideas on how to accomplish what I'm looking to do: detect a successful form submission & perform some actions based on that?
Thanks for any help!
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Re: Return data from Marketo to non-Marketo page

This is a great idea. So now I'm curious what else you're doing that would keep you from the non-techie solution: clone the page, add your cookie and new content, and make that the "thank you" page?