Request Timeout - Marketo Rest API with batchSize 1

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Request Timeout - Marketo Rest API with batchSize 1

I am sending a get request to the Get Multiple Leads by List ID rest api with a list id that contains a large number of leads. I only need the first record for validation so I am setting the batchSize to 1. However the request times out most of the times.

Is there a way to validate my request without marketo trying to fetch all the records? I just need to check if my request is valid.
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Marketo Employee

Re: Request Timeout - Marketo Rest API with batchSize 1

Hi Anil,

Are you setting a client-side connection timeout?  Can you provided a (redacted) copy of the exact call which you're making?  How many records are available in your target list?
Not applicable

Re: Request Timeout - Marketo Rest API with batchSize 1

Hi Kenny,

Thanks for looking into this. We do not set any client-side connection timeout. Here is the java code we use to make the api call. Please note that we are using batchSize=1.

URL url = new URL("https://<marketo url>/rest/v1/list/<list id>/leads.json?access_token=<access token>&batchSize=1&fields=<comma separated fields>");
urlConn = (HttpsURLConnection) url.openConnection();
urlConn.setRequestProperty("Content-type", "application/json");
urlConn.setRequestProperty("accept", "application/json");
int responseCode = urlConn.getResponseCode();

Not applicable

Re: Request Timeout - Marketo Rest API with batchSize 1

If you make this same call without specifying the batchSize parameter, do you still receive the request timeout error?
Not applicable

Re: Request Timeout - Marketo Rest API with batchSize 1

I am still seeing the timeout error after removing the batchSize parameter