Re: Reporting Tool Recommendations

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Reporting Tool Recommendations

I am finding Marketo's reports to be lacking quite a bit in the usability department. It seems everything takes tons of Smart Campaigns to set things just to achieve what should be possible out of the box.

A good example is Email Performance. It's nice to run the Email Performance Report to get opens/clicks/etc. However, there is no drill down capabilities. If I drill in to see Clicks, I cannot see a breakdown of who clicked which email. It seems like this should be built in.

Does anyone have recommendations on ways to achieve this or maybe there is some better tool that provides more intuitive reporting against the Marketo database.

Either I just don't understand it, am expecting too much or was oversold on how powerful the reporting is. Whatever the case, the reports in Marketo seems very unintuitive. Looking for advice.
Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Reporting Tool Recommendations

I agree, drill-down capabilities within reports like this should be out-of-the-box functionality that has been requested for some time.  There are many Ideas that have been posted over the years that are related to this highly desired feature - here are a few:
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Re: Reporting Tool Recommendations


Do you have Revenue Cycle Analytics w/ Revenue Cycle Explorer? It's a Pentaho-based BI engine that reports against Marketo's data. It's not the greatest thing since sliced bread, but it offers lead-level granularity into performance metrics.
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Re: Reporting Tool Recommendations

Dan, thanks for all the ideas.

Jason, I don't think I have Rev Cycle Analytics. I looked around my Analytics area and see nothing like that.
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Re: Reporting Tool Recommendations

Talk with your Marketo rep about it. 

Here's an overview:

Here's how to create an email performance drill-down:
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Re: Reporting Tool Recommendations

I see. So basically, what Marketo is saying is that, to get pretty standard reporting functionality, you need to go to their highest level. #lame 

Thanks for the info, Jason. I know you are only the messenger of the info. I am not griping about your response. Rather, am griping about Marketo's bundling of capabilities.