Reporting Question- Form Submissions week by week

Level 2

Reporting Question- Form Submissions week by week

Hey all-


So I'm looking to build out a report for form submissions week by week and I'm running into some issues. I'm currently playing around with the "People Performance" reports and I'm like 90% of the way there, but the main problem is the "Group By" setting is limited. Meaning the only one I can really use to get a nice week by week grouping is "Created At". However, that skews the data because it groups people by when they where created....not by when they filled out the form. 


I've tried customizing a "Program Performance" report but it doesn't allow me to filter programs by a time period OR group them by Channel without getting a view of ALL the programs.


Has anyone run into this in the past or have any solutions for a clean form submission report grouped by when the form was submitted rather than when the person was created?

Level 10

Re: Reporting Question- Form Submissions week by week

Yes, the "group by" function is limited to database fields. So you can't group by date of form submission.


Have you looked into Custom Columns? They might give you what you need. Create a couple of Smart Lists - in "Database" preferably - and have filters like "Has submitted form in past week" and "Has submitted form if week before that" and so on, and add these Smart Lists as Custom Columns to your Person Performance Report. For grouping select something that might actually add value like "Language" or so. (Unfortunately, you cannot not group.)

Level 2

Re: Reporting Question- Form Submissions week by week

Hey Michael,


Thanks for your input. I was actually looking into using some columns for this but it sounds like it would be tough to scale/maintain. Meaning the beginning of every week I'd have to spin up a new Smart List to use for a column and add it to the report right? 

Level 10

Re: Reporting Question- Form Submissions week by week

Yes, true. 


How about the "relative" time constraints available on the Filled Out Form filter? This week, last week, this month, last month could give you a solid indication of development, couldn't it?

