Reporting on view as a webpage and TXT files

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Reporting on view as a webpage and TXT files

Hi community,

I have a couple of reporting questions for everyone. 😃 I'm interested in implementing the view as a webpage feature into our programs. I'm curious as to see how this will show up in the reporting. 
  • When I click on view as a webpage, will that register as a click in my email performance report?
  • If I click on a view as a webpage and click on the links (from a webpage), does that register as a click in my email performance report?
  • If someone clicks on the view as a webpage link and also clicks within the actual email, how would reporting register this?
  • Is there a way to break out or segment the reporting so I can see what percentage of people are using this feature?
  • Can I get the email heat grid reporting on the clicks from the view as a webpage browser separately or would it be combined to provide the total email heat grid (webpage and not)?
Also, for TXT file reporting:
  • Similar question as above, is there a way to break our or segment the reporting so I can see who is viewing the email in TXT format? 
Thanks for your help!
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Re: Reporting on view as a webpage and TXT files

A click on the "View as a webpage" link is not tracked.

Clicks on the links in the webpage are tracked as email clicks.

In the Email Performance reports, I believe that multiple email clicks by a lead are only counted as 1 click.  In the Link Performance report, multiple clicks by a lead are counted in the total number of clicks on that link.  In the Email tab of the Sales Insight section of Salesforce, multiple clicks by a lead are shown with a "+" next to the check in the Click column and if you hover over the check, a pop-up is displayed with the total number of clicks.

I don't believe that there is any way to tell who / how many click the "View as web page" link. 

The heat grid for clicks would represent the clicks on the email links as well as those on the "View as web page" page.

Opens are not tracked on the text version of emails.  You could differentiate the clicks on text version emails from the HTML / "View as webpage" version clicks by adding a querystring parameter to your text version links (e.g. email=text).
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Re: Reporting on view as a webpage and TXT files

Thanks Elliott! Your response was very helpful. Can you clarify what you mean in the last sentence of the last paragraph? How would I go about doing that?
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Re: Reporting on view as a webpage and TXT files

If you have a link in your HTML email such as www.[yourlink].com you can add a querystring parameter to it in only the text version of the email such as www.[yourlink].com?email=txt.  This allows you to differentiate this link from the one in your HTML email in the Link Performance report and in the Clicks Link filter by using the Querystring constraint .