Re: Reporting # of sends do not match Marketo records for recurring campaign?

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Reporting # of sends do not match Marketo records for recurring campaign?

We have a weekly reminder campaign we send using the same program (different database table).


For example, week 1 = 100 people are overdue for timecard submission and get a reminder

Week 2 = 90 people are overdue and get a reminder. 30 of these 90 people, also received a reminder in Week 1


The Smart campaign is set to:

Each person can run through the flow every time
If person has reached the communication limits
Ignore limit
If I create a smart list campaign of who was sent the campaign in the past week (ensuring not to include Week 1), it says 90 unique records/people. However when we create a report it says only 60 people received it. 
We are baffled on why it says 60 on the reports when the smart list query shows 90 (which is correct on who should have gotten it).
Can someone help explain and also advice on correcting the report if 90 is the true number?

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Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Reporting # of sends do not match Marketo records for recurring campaign?

I’m sorry but just to be clear (as it’s confusing in the question), are you comparing the number of people who were sent the email on week 2 in the SL with the number of deliveries (aka email delivered/people received it) number in the report? 

Assuming that you’re comparing email send counts in the SL and EPR, unlike the SL that solely looks at the lead activity log, in the email performance report, multiple sends from the same campaign to the same person are counted only once (the first email send activity is only counted). Given that background, I think the numbers do add up, as of the 90 people who were sent email on week 2, 30 people were sent again. The Email Performance report isn’t  including the repeat email sends for those 30 people, and hence showing email sends as 60.

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Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Reporting # of sends do not match Marketo records for recurring campaign?

Email Analysis report in the Revenue Cost Explorer (RCE) module does not exclude email sends of an asset to the same person from the same campaign. However, RCE isn't included in the subscription by default and comes at an additional cost.

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Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Reporting # of sends do not match Marketo records for recurring campaign?

I’m sorry but just to be clear (as it’s confusing in the question), are you comparing the number of people who were sent the email on week 2 in the SL with the number of deliveries (aka email delivered/people received it) number in the report? 

Assuming that you’re comparing email send counts in the SL and EPR, unlike the SL that solely looks at the lead activity log, in the email performance report, multiple sends from the same campaign to the same person are counted only once (the first email send activity is only counted). Given that background, I think the numbers do add up, as of the 90 people who were sent email on week 2, 30 people were sent again. The Email Performance report isn’t  including the repeat email sends for those 30 people, and hence showing email sends as 60.

Level 2

Re: Reporting # of sends do not match Marketo records for recurring campaign?

Sorry for the confusion. To clarify, say we send the same campaign 2 weeks in a row.


Week 1: John, Tom, and Mike sent/received the campaign

Week 2: Only John and Tom sent/received the campaign


We would like our reports to look like:


Week 1: Sent = 3 people

Week 2: Sent = 2 people


Is there a report that would show quantities of the above even if the same people receive it 2 week in a row? We do not want to include new recipients only.


Thank you!

Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Reporting # of sends do not match Marketo records for recurring campaign?

You could setup a smart list with Was Sent Email filter and include email name and date of activity filters in it to get the required counts of people who were sent email on a particular day based on the campaign run schedule. A SL query data from the activity log and does not do any filtering to exclude multiple email send activities from the same campaign unlike email performance report.


Level 2

Re: Reporting # of sends do not match Marketo records for recurring campaign?

Is there another report besides the email performance report that will report on how many people were actually sent each time (regardless if they were sent an email in previous weeks)?

Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Reporting # of sends do not match Marketo records for recurring campaign?

Email Analysis report in the Revenue Cost Explorer (RCE) module does not exclude email sends of an asset to the same person from the same campaign. However, RCE isn't included in the subscription by default and comes at an additional cost.

Level 2

Re: Reporting # of sends do not match Marketo records for recurring campaign?

Thank you very much for your help!!