Re: Report for Email Frequency per Lead

Level 5

Report for Email Frequency per Lead

Is there a report that shows how many emails we sending to our leads per week, or per month? We would like to analyze our email frequency and see if we need to adjust our Communication Limits settings. I am pretty new to Marketo and not sure if there is such a report or how to get this kind of information so any help is greatly appreciated!
Level 10

Re: Report for Email Frequency per Lead

Hey Nina,

What I've done before is created smart lists for different level of sends. So as an example - green smart list may have the filter "was sent email up to 2 times in past week", yellow may be 3-4, red would be 5+. It would depend on your send volume but then you could see the groups on a high level. This is the simplest way without even making a report.

Level 5

Re: Report for Email Frequency per Lead

Thanks Kim! This sounds like exactly what I'm looking to do.

So you create separate smart lists for the different levels of sends that you would like to see?

Do you know if there is a way to add activity like click throughs and unsubscribes for each level of send? That would be my second level of analysis that I'd like to see.

And lastly, is there a way to exclude operational emails so they are not counted towards the total emails sent per week number?