Removing multiple leads from a flow due to 1 lead's email response

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Removing multiple leads from a flow due to 1 lead's email response

Hi Marketo Community!

I have a scenario that I would love to get your help on. Here's my proposed Marketo cycle:
  1. We create a Marketo Smart Campaign that sends emails to 5 people (all from Company ABC)
    • Flow steps include:
    • Send Email
    • Wait 4 days
    • If no response, send 2nd email
    • wait 4 days
    • If no response, send 3rd email
  2. We send the 5 emails to 5 leads from Company ABC
  3. 1 one of the leads responds to us.
  4. We want to take all 5 of those leads out of the flow because at least 1 employee from company ABC responded.
How would I go about doing this? Our current implementation includes Marketo and Salesforce.

p.s. Here's my current solution that only solves half of it...

1. When lead responds, my company's rep will reply to that email and log the activity using Cirrus Insight in Salesforce.
2. Create a Trigger campaign that says, if lead received "Email X" and "Activity was logged contaings Re:", then remove from flow.

The issue is... that only removes that 1 lead and not the 4 others from the same company.

Really appreciate it!
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Level 10

Re: Removing multiple leads from a flow due to 1 lead's email response

Jon-Sun, if you just tweak your step 2 slightly, you should be able to accomplish this without apex, like Justin mentioned:

2. Create a Trigger campaign that says, if lead received "Email X" and "Activity was logged contaings Re:", then remove from flow.

Instead of immediately removing them from the flow, I'd have Marketo check a box that correlates to an account field. Then you can have a separate triggered campaign that says if data value of [account field box] changes, then remove from flow.

This way you don't interrupt/change your sales process (this is critical in many organizations), and still accomplish what you're looking for. 

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Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Removing multiple leads from a flow due to 1 lead's email response

Jon Sun,

Yes, Marketo thinks in terms of leads and it would be hard to trigger like this more than one lead.


What you can do is if the Activity is loggged, then say

If member of Smart List IN "Group of 5", Remove from Flow
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Re: Removing multiple leads from a flow due to 1 lead's email response

Ah see that would be great, but my smart campaigns include several dozen to a hundred different leads from various companies and it wouldn't be sustainable to separate them into individualized lists by company.

I'll keep that in mind for smaller batches! Thanks 😃
Level 10

Re: Removing multiple leads from a flow due to 1 lead's email response

Jon-Sun, if you're using SFDC, could you put a field on the account level that is checked when someone from any of the companies responds, and then the checking of that box perpetuates to all of the contacts in that company, which could trigger a removal from the campaign?
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Re: Removing multiple leads from a flow due to 1 lead's email response

For similar situations I've had to do something like this. It's not the prettiest though and involves Apex. Also assuming they are 5 contacts of the same Salesforce account. 

1) Create a boolean (checkbox) field on the Account object in Salesforce called "Marketing Responded" (or something similar). 

2) When activity is logged on one of the leads (contact in SFDC) meeting your criteria (e.g., task subject = xyz), have an Apex trigger that changes the boolean field on the Account to true. 

3) Use this data value as a choice in your subsequent email steps: 

If "Marketing Responded is True then Do Nothing" 

Since the Account value is "shared' by all contacts belonging to that account, it should exclude all 5 contacts from receiving the subsquent emails. 

I'd love to find a more elegant and non-code solution but this should work. 
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Re: Removing multiple leads from a flow due to 1 lead's email response

LOL Dori, sorry didn't mean to write virtually the same thing as you. Your post wasn't there yet when I responded!
Level 10

Re: Removing multiple leads from a flow due to 1 lead's email response

Haha, no worries.... I've done the same thing many times 🙂
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Re: Removing multiple leads from a flow due to 1 lead's email response

Justin and Dory,

Thanks for your suggestions! Our engineers are not familiar with Apex so I may need to outsource that development... It's definitely not possible without use of Apex?

I'm going to try to find somebody to develop the code and let you guys know if it works in the meantime!
Not applicable

Re: Removing multiple leads from a flow due to 1 lead's email response

Hey Jon-Sun, if your reps can check a field on the Account record manually (as Dory suggested) then the apex isn't even needed.

However, if there's a concern it may not get done, then automating it based on something you know WILL happen could be useful. 

Apex actually isn't that scary, especailly for small tasks like this. You can find offshore developers that do good work at a price that won't break your budget. 

Email me at and I can give you the details of a fellow we work with, if you want to go that route. 
Level 10

Re: Removing multiple leads from a flow due to 1 lead's email response

Jon-Sun, if you just tweak your step 2 slightly, you should be able to accomplish this without apex, like Justin mentioned:

2. Create a Trigger campaign that says, if lead received "Email X" and "Activity was logged contaings Re:", then remove from flow.

Instead of immediately removing them from the flow, I'd have Marketo check a box that correlates to an account field. Then you can have a separate triggered campaign that says if data value of [account field box] changes, then remove from flow.

This way you don't interrupt/change your sales process (this is critical in many organizations), and still accomplish what you're looking for.