Removing Leads from SalesForce Campaign through Marketo Program Sync

Level 2

Removing Leads from SalesForce Campaign through Marketo Program Sync

After loading leads into a program and having it sync to a SalesForce campaign, we realized that the list we were given was incorrect, and need to move the leads from one program to another. 

I set up a test smart campaign to select the leads in error with a flow as follows: 
  • Change program status of lead in old program to "Not in Program"
  • Remove lead from old SalesForce campaign
  • Change program status of lead in new program to "Filled Out Form"
  • Add to new SFDC campaign with status "Filled Out Form"
When I ran the smart campaign, Marketo excluded both SalesForce flow items, citing that the SalesForce campaigns were synced to programs. Fair enough, I'm happy to let the sync handle the changes.

The problem is, while the new SalesForce campaign synced and now includes the leads, the old SalesForce campaign never removed them, despite the fact that they no longer exist in the old Marketo program it's synced to. The sync seems to not remove leads, but then it also prevents me from using the smart campaign to remove the leads from the SalesForce campaign directly.

The only solution I can think of at this point is to unsync the old campaign & program, run the smart campaign, and reapply the sync. I'm nervous though, because I'm worried that might have unintended consequences. Is there any other way out of this?
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Re: Removing Leads from SalesForce Campaign through Marketo Program Sync

Is it possible for you to delete the program altogether, then remove all those people from the SFDC campaign? That way the program that is synced will no longer exist?

Not sure if you have any reason to keep the original program -- you can always clone then re-sync/add.
Level 2

Re: Removing Leads from SalesForce Campaign through Marketo Program Sync

Well, there are a significant number of leads that need to be left alone in the original program. Deleting the program is non-viable.
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Re: Removing Leads from SalesForce Campaign through Marketo Program Sync

Hey Paul,

Did you sync the same Marketo Program from one SFDC Campaign to another?