Removing Communications Limits from an individual

Level 1

Removing Communications Limits from an individual

How can you remove the Communications Limits on an individual person?  I need to authorise someone in my team to receive ALL our email sends, and with the limitations in place, this is not possible?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Removing Communications Limits from an individual

Y'can't. CLs can't be tuned lead-by-lead.

So as long as you're using standard Comm Limits (as opposed to implementing custom logic using score fields, et al.) your only move is to use Send Alert to send to such people.
Level 1

Re: Removing Communications Limits from an individual

OK - thanks for that.


Can you set up a send alert on a Folder?  So that they are alerted whenever there is any programs approved and sent within that folder?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Removing Communications Limits from an individual

Sorry, no. There's no way to set up Program-level (or even Campaign-level) triggers. Triggers run at the Lead level, as each lead experiences the triggering activity.