Re: Remove spacing between paragraph and bulleted list

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Remove spacing between paragraph and bulleted list

In our product update emails to customers, we often have a bold header and then a bulleted list underneath. Ideally, we want no spaces between the two. I usually add a "margin-bottom: 0px;" style tag to the bold header and a "margin-top: 0px" style tag to the ul tag in the HTML editor. This shows up perfectly in Marketo - no excess spacing. However, when I send a sample to myself, the spaces magically reappear in Outlook. Any idea how I can circumvent this in the future?

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Re: Remove spacing between paragraph and bulleted list

Try adding !important to the tags and see if that does anything.

BTW Outlook sucks 🙂
Level 9

Re: Remove spacing between paragraph and bulleted list

I actually have a document named "Outlook Sucks" where I keep notes about all the different peculiarities to remember for various email clients.

Outlook will also ignore inline !important styles from time to time, though I believe it's OK with them in the <head> section.

Unfortunately, you've really just got to screw around with everything and pretend it's 1995 when you're coding for Outlook.