I have following process on our download page http://www.talend.com/download
When you click on first button (Data Integration) and you are based in the US you see the following pop-up.
I'm tracking how many times the pop-up is showing up, who has clicked on the green button and who has clicked on the blue url. What I'm noticing is that the number of leads who fills out the form on the page behind the blue url exceeds the number of leads who have clicked on page. So not only does that means that each click converts (which I doubt) but also that leads are by passing the pop-up. Normally, unless you're accessing directly page (via Google Search or Direct Traffic) that shouldn't be possible. So I'm wondering if the following use case works :
anonymous lead > opens pop-up > clicks on blue url > fills out form > known lead
will their activity
prior to fill out form (=clicks link on web page) be assigned to lead or not?
Cécile @ Talend