Recommendations for personalization engines?

Level 4

Recommendations for personalization engines?


I'm looking for recommendations on B2B personalization engines.

Has anyone implemented a tool successfully that fits criteria of web & email personalization and facilitate goals for 1:1 marketing.



Level 10

Re: Recommendations for personalization engines?

Hi Sonali,

What CMS are you using ?

What use cases are you looking for ?

Marketo web personalization does a good job, although not perfect. Where it is especially good is the depth of integration with the Marketo lead management. So products are available out there, for instance Adobe's or some that are CMS add-ons. Hence my first question.


Level 4

Re: Recommendations for personalization engines?

Hi Greg,

We use SiteCore which has a personalization rules engine but it's still pretty manual to set up workflow for each rule.

I'm more interested in getting feedback for AI powered engines for automated content recommendations/pop-up offers on website based on personas, buyer's journey etc.

And if it could also be used to personalize emails based user's behavior it would be great!

There are many potential players out there, but I'm looking for B2B success stories from fellow Marketo users!



Level 10

Re: Recommendations for personalization engines?

Hi Sonali,

have you given a look at Marketo Content AI ?

Also, before investing in this direction, make sure that you have enough data for the deep learning algorithm to be able to work and adapt themselves, otherwise, it will give random results at best or take forever to become relevant. Vendors often forget to tell that "AI" are in fact pattern recognition/deep learning, big data, algorithms that takes a sufficient amount of cases to be able to determine recommendations.


Level 4

Re: Recommendations for personalization engines?

Thanks Greg. Will check out Marketo content AI.

Yes, we have emphasized enough on 'garbage in-garbage out' for AI powered results. Ready to take the next step now. Thanks again!