Re: Recommendations for a Drop and Drag Email Design Tool?

Not applicable

Re: Recommendations for a Drop and Drag Email Design Tool?

I agree, the problem is an issue of bandwidth.

Level 10

Re: Recommendations for a Drop and Drag Email Design Tool?

Dear all,

We have been heavily testing and we could make a pretty good job. There are a few things that cannot be done with the tool, and you will need to edit the resulting html after producing it, but the tool will give you complete flexibility on what you want to achieve, does not required to master CSS (although some notions will help) and no need to master media queries and all the responsive technology. Furthermore, one is not being constrained by models

Here is an example we have been producing from zero and no previous knowledge of the tool in about 1 day of work :

My 2 cents,


Level 4

Re: Recommendations for a Drop and Drag Email Design Tool?

Hi Christina,

Check the Email Template Builder​ from Hoosh Marketing. You can quickly create customized emails, with no coding required. There’s a Free trial available on the website.seg?add=3901497&t=2seg?add=3901497&t=2