Does anyone know if the RCM molder is a standard feature when you purchase Email Marketing Bundle package? I have access to this and my sales rep is saying that I shouldn't have access to it?
Hi Tammy,
AFAIK, it does not. but the bundling have changed quite a few times, so....
Check you can approve you model, though, you might get a error message saying you are missing a license
Even if you have it, without a closed loop data flow that can feed Marketo with information about opportunities and won deals, it will not get you very far. Email Marketing bundle does not have the CRM connectors, as far as I know, so you would have to get a custom CRM integration or run frequent imports to update lead data (statuses mostly).
Gotcha- I had access to build and approve, but I don't have access for a way to report on it- which sounds like what you're saying. I was more curious if this is an known 'issue' where you can build the RCM model approve it, but not get reporting on it.
Hi Tammy,
Not even a "success path analyzer" in the Analytics section of Marketo ?
I don't have a success path analyzer- I see program analyzer- but I do not have access to that either.
I hopped on a call with Marketo solutions engineer yesterday and he said I was missing a filter to view the revenue cycle model stages I built out. I'm not sure what is going on or what I'm missing either because when I implemented my Marketo instance in November with the paid launch pack- I was missing quite a few things and was led down inaccurate paths for setting things up... so I'm not very confident as to what I should/should not have.
The Program Analyzer can work without a RCM. The SPA cannot.
I just had this issue i had no models approved and this message would come up if you didn't have it in your bundle what marketo calls "our Life Cycle Modeler module."
Yes, this is exactly what I meant writing:
Check you can approve you model, though, you might get a error message saying you are missing a license