"Unmapped custom fields "between Marketo and Salesforce

Level 4

"Unmapped custom fields "between Marketo and Salesforce

What "unmapped custom fields" mean? We have some custom fields( we use on regular basis) which are appearing under " Unmapped custom fields"

Admin -> Field management --> Field Mapping -->Unmapped custom fields

If the custom fields are appearing under unmapped custom fields, is the values updated?

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: "Unmapped custom fields "between Marketo and Salesforce


Unmapped fields are fields in Marketo that are not synced to a field in SFDC. If the custom fields are used in smart campaigns then they will be updated, it just means there is no field on the SFDC side to view this info. Most custom marketing-use fields have no need to be on the SFDC side, so we just keep them in Marketo.

Level 9 - Champion Alumni

Re: "Unmapped custom fields "between Marketo and Salesforce

This  means that these fields are not mapped to SFDC. Not an issue unless you want those fields to be passing data to the matching field in Salesforce.

Check out this documentation:

Edit Initial Field Mappings - Marketo Docs - Product Documentation

View Field Mappings Between Marketo and Salesforce - Marketo Docs - Product Documentation

Again, this  isn't an issue if the fields in this folder are intended to be used and accessible ONLY in MKTO and not in SFDC. If you want these fields available in SDFC, you need to create the field in SFDC and map the fields.

Level 4

Re: "Unmapped custom fields "between Marketo and Salesforce

The custom field ( that I am using) and showing up in " unmapped custom field" is on CONTACT object type.

For CONTACT object type- sync is directional.

If any salesperson changes the value of the custom field( that I am using and showing up in unmapped) in SFDC, Will that be updated in Marketo?

Level 9 - Champion Alumni

Re: "Unmapped custom fields "between Marketo and Salesforce

I would assume those edits that Sales is making are not passing into MKTO. I would run a simple test to determine if this is True or not, but based on what I know sounds like those values are not passing because the field is not mapped to SFDC.

Level 1

Re: "Unmapped custom fields "between Marketo and Salesforce

Hi - Did you ever find a solution for this?


I have the same issue. Custom and standard SFDC fields are mapped, and communicating data, but are displayed under the field mapping "unmapped." 
