Re: Quick question: Eblast vs. Content Channel

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Quick question: Eblast vs. Content Channel

Hi guys,

short question. In which case shall I use the content channel? If I want to promote for example a white paper I'll use the eblast channel. Is this meant for website content?!

Would be great to get a couple of example. 🙂

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Re: Quick question: Eblast vs. Content Channel

Hey Christian-

I have several additional channels beyond the marketo standard. One example is a channel for each type of content we typically produce, White Paper, Case Study, Product Literature, etc. For each piece of content, we produce an "asset specific landing page" campaign, which is then utilized in other materials like newsletters & lead nurturing.

The only time I use "email blast" is when I will only ever use the content a single time for a single purpose. I need to send out an email about something small, without a form/landing page. I use Eblast. For everything else I use the specific content channel, rather than the generic content channel.
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Re: Quick question: Eblast vs. Content Channel


Hey! I am curious - because you have asset specific landing pages for your lead nurturing program, do you ever direct them to those pages on the website? What do you see as the main advantages to building the asset-specific landing page campaigns vs. directing them to those pages on your website. On these landing pages, is there a form to fill out to attain the content being offered? I'd love to hear more about this set up. Currently, everything on our website runs through the Website Channel, not specific to the content-type. In our nurturing, we either direct to download the content immediately (no form fill out) or to a page on our website. Just curious as to how you're doing this. We do have RCA/Explorer, so I like the idea of digging deeper into content channels for better reporting. Thanks!

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Re: Quick question: Eblast vs. Content Channel

Hey Joy -

Ask & you shally recieve (more than you asked for) ... in May I put together a tutorial help doc for how I create ASLP programs.

Check out that help doc there, grab a cup of coffee & get your finger glued to page down, cause it's not the shortest thing I've ever made.

I'll reply to your other questions from here, over there.
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Re: Quick question: Eblast vs. Content Channel

Oh wow, thanks Adam! This is great!! 🙂 Appreciate your hep - I look forward to reading this all.