I have a mapping field set for premium. I want to use this field as a token in an email. However, when the field premium is populated, it is not in currency format, meaning it displays 1000 instead of $1,000.00
I am trying to follow the directions to create an email script. However, I’m a little lost. I name the token "Premium Dollar Amount".
Here is the script so far...
I was instructed to use NumberTool (VelocityTools 2.0-beta4 Documentation)
I might be really far off. But please let me know if you have any advice, tips, or see what I am doing wrong.
Thank you for the help!
Yeah, you are pretty far off. You might want to sit with someone for a little while to figure out how Velocity/VTL is structured.
#set ( $myPremiumDollarAmount = $number.currency($lead.Premium__c) )
Premium Dollaz: ${myPremiumDollarAmount}