Question about dynamic content in a landing page

Level 10

Question about dynamic content in a landing page


This is the first time I'm using the dynamic content.

I have an event and I would like that only registrants to this event have access to the recording. I have therefore created a specific segment with all registrants. I have then added dynamic content as follows :

Rich text box: "You can watch video here"

Rich text box "Sorry content is restricted to users who have registered to event."

I have done simple test: if I open landing page, I can see watch video (my email address is in segment). If my colleagues try to open it, they see 2nd message. So it looks like it's working.

Do I simply have to send invite to the registrants and MKTO will automatically recognize members of the segment thanks to cookies? Do I have to add a form in between w/ just email address field?

Cécile @ Talend
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Re: Question about dynamic content in a landing page

You are sending email to a list, and only a subset already registered, is that right?  What if someone receives the email and decides to register, are they going to change segments?
Level 10

Re: Question about dynamic content in a landing page

The event already took place. As it was an high-value 4 hour workshop, we don't want that anybody has access. So only previous registrants will be able to view video.
Not applicable

Re: Question about dynamic content in a landing page

Marketo will not serve the video to anyone unless they are in the registered segment.  Even though the link to the LP will only be emailed to those who registered, I assume you are doing this as an added precaution in case someone forwards the link to a non-registrant.  If so, you may also want to ensure that you configure the video to only run on this page; otherwise the URL to the the video could be forwarded to someone and they could play the video on a different page.