Qualified Leads and the campaign associated with it.

Level 1

Qualified Leads and the campaign associated with it.

Hi, Is there a way to know which program/campaign resulted in lead qualification?

Level 10

Re: Qualified Leads and the campaign associated with it.

Hi Rajat,

Not directly. The way we do this is through a field in which we store the last successes and a second field in which we store the latest success when the lead becomes MQL.


Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Qualified Leads and the campaign associated with it.

We do it slightly different (as you can imagine, there are multiple ways to build out your Marketo environment - depending on how you want to align it to your business).  All of our channels include four common program statuses:

  • Achieved MQL Status
  • Achieved SAL Status
  • Converted to - Influenced Opportunity
  • Opportunity Won

We then include the following smart campaign in every one of our programs (btw, this is representative of a last-touched attribution model):




(NOTE: The "Avande opp, mio, sal, mql program" values are defined in our lead lifecycle workflows when a lead achieves this stage)

This allows us to precisely identify the last program that was responsible for a lead reaching any given stage in our revenue model - simply by changing the program status accordingly in each program (if applicable).