Re: [Q&A Coffee Break] 07/25/23, 8am PST: Deliverability & Bots, Featuring Marketo Engage Champions!

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Re: [Q&A Coffee Break] 07/25/23, 8am PST: Deliverability & Bots, Featuring Marketo Engage Champions!

@Beth_Massura@ajay_sarpal5) How can you find out about spam complaints?

Level 4 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: [Q&A Coffee Break] 07/25/23, 8am PST: Deliverability & Bots, Featuring Marketo Engage Champions!



This is a great question. Use Revenue Cycle Explorer to get the list of Spam Complaints broken down by email address / Program name / Email name. This is a great way to find out spam complaints.

Level 2

Re: [Q&A Coffee Break] 07/25/23, 8am PST: Deliverability & Bots, Featuring Marketo Engage Champions!

Hi @Beth_Massura@ajay_sarpal5

What is the deciding factor in moving from the shared ip pool to a dedicated ip? We have a dedicated ip in our contract and are trying to determine when to make the switch.

Level 8 - Champion Alumni

Re: [Q&A Coffee Break] 07/25/23, 8am PST: Deliverability & Bots, Featuring Marketo Engage Champions!

Hi @traba5058 ,


Dedicated IP addresses require a high send volume (e.g. >200k/month) to keep it "warm enough" as well as a fairly consistent send volume to avoid large spikes in volume flagging the IP. If you are not yet at that point, consider what steps you might need to take organizationally to get there. There is also a warmup process where you send to small audiences only over the course of a couple months; you can't just start sending to a large portion of your database right away. You might want to time the switch to a period that is normally less active/less critical for email campaigns. Also, you would be responsible for troubleshooting and resolving delivery issues on your dedicated IP. You'll want to identify the team/individual who would be able to take this responsibility. Hope this helps!

Level 2

Re: [Q&A Coffee Break] 07/25/23, 8am PST: Deliverability & Bots, Featuring Marketo Engage Champions!

Hello! I have a question around using Marketo's built-in reCaptcha v3...

If we have forms that are external to Marketo, but use the Marketo API to accept new leads from those forms, can the Marketo built-in reCaptcha still be used for those form intakes? 

Level 4 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: [Q&A Coffee Break] 07/25/23, 8am PST: Deliverability & Bots, Featuring Marketo Engage Champions!



The built-in reCAPTCHA feature only works for Marketo forms that are embedded on Marketo landing pages or external web pages using the embed code. If you have forms that are external to Marketo and use the Marketo API to accept new leads, you cannot use the built-in reCAPTCHA feature for those forms. However, you can still use Google reCAPTCHA V3 for your external forms.

Level 2

Re: [Q&A Coffee Break] 07/25/23, 8am PST: Deliverability & Bots, Featuring Marketo Engage Champions!

Hi @Beth_Massura@ajay_sarpal5

Why can't Marketo's BOT feature take Apple Opens into account?

Level 2

Re: [Q&A Coffee Break] 07/25/23, 8am PST: Deliverability & Bots, Featuring Marketo Engage Champions!

@Beth_Massura @Ajay_Sarpal2
Is there any way to identify within Marketo when emails are being sent to the junk folder by an ISP instead of the inbox?

Level 4 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: [Q&A Coffee Break] 07/25/23, 8am PST: Deliverability & Bots, Featuring Marketo Engage Champions!

Hi, @larsonian 


This is a great question. The answer is yes 🙂


Marketo's deliverability tools is a paid feature that can help you improve your email deliverability and inbox placement. You can use this tool to test and monitor your emails and see how they are received by different email clients, as shown in the image below.


You may want to work with your Marketo Engage CSM to find the cost.

Level 2

Re: [Q&A Coffee Break] 07/25/23, 8am PST: Deliverability & Bots, Featuring Marketo Engage Champions!

Thanks for the tip  @AjayS