Re: Q&A tool for your campaigns

Level 5

Q&A tool for your campaigns

Hello community

Does anyone has a good tool that help do Q&A of Marketo programs? something that is not Excel or Smartsheet but instead walks a person to each step of checking that a program has been properly tested.

We have lists with tens of things we need to check such as is the subject line there, do you have a sender, a reply to etc... to is the link working, does the email displays correctly, is it linked to SFDC, are the flow steps including xyx ... etc...

Best would be an opens source software we can use to build a question blow and just enter yes, no and why no.

Any suggestions would be great.



Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Q&A tool for your campaigns

Typeform maybe? Or a Google sheets form? Asana?

Level 5

Re: Q&A tool for your campaigns

Thanks Rachel for replying back to me

The tools are similar than using excel or smarthseets. I am looking for something a bit more process orientated and that can be automated. I found load of apps that can do this but they are geared toward software or hardware development QA. not marketing QA. I am sure someone must have build something like this. i just can't find one.

Level 10

Re: Q&A tool for your campaigns

Can you give more of a breakdown on your current process.  Who is currently filling in this sheet? Who then reviews it? How many do QA's do you do a day? etc...



Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Q&A tool for your campaigns

We don't have a checklist like this at the moment. When we first started having a review process, we used Trello cards with checklists for each, but now we just have a rule that any email must be approved by 2 other people before sending. If you're sent an email sample to review, you click every link, make sure images work, etc.

Level 5

Re: Q&A tool for your campaigns

Hi Gerard

Thanks for the reply.

The sheet is filled in my marketing operations QA team. It does not get reviewed. It there to make sure nothing gets missed. It a laundry list of all the things one needs to check before declaring the program ready to execute. We have many programs that execute each week so we would QA each of them in full.

I just don't feel that using excel to just say Pass or Fail and then fixing issues for each step is very efficient,. Whereas if we had this in an app that would just walk us though the process we can probably get more efficient and track results for each campaigns. It also means reviewers of emails can then use to tool to put heir results and comments.

Maybe this is a unicorn and should just get on with it.



Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Q&A tool for your campaigns

We are building this in a tool called Wrike. Any sort of workflow tool that enforces the steps can help. But marketo itself won't do this sort of approval QA process to completely prevent things.

Level 5

Re: Q&A tool for your campaigns

Thanks Josh.

Level 1

Re: Q&A tool for your campaigns

Hi Josh!


Our current email QA process is very manual, so when I saw your reply I was eager to learn more. I'm curious how you utilize Wrike to manage the QA process. Do you use the integration tool at all? 




Level 10

Re: Q&A tool for your campaigns

Hi Axel Baran​,

So we have set up a Jira ticketing system for something similar.  You can personalise the types of tickets. For example a different type of ticket for, Email Blasts, Events, Webinars etc...

Before a person can submit a ticket they have to fill in the fields or check the boxes on the form. 

We use this for Marketing Managers that want our team to schedule emails they have created.  Before they can submit the schedule ticket to our team they have to check all the boxes on the form.  Some of the boxes are:

  • Subject Line Present
  • Preheader added
  • Alt tags on images
  • CTA's Tested and Work
  • Images Load

This means that are team are not going back and forth asking for extra information to complete the send.  If someone submits a ticket and one of the things are not completed (They just checked all the boxes) then their ticket goes to the back of the queue and they have to resubmit it again which usually means there timeframe isn't met.

I know this is a slightly different process as yours.  We still do a QA before scheduling the emails, but by pushing the onus on the Marketing Manager to have all that completed beforehand, it has reduced our teams QA process time.  One thing I would add is that if another team is involved in the QA process as I have described above, then you have to make them feel the pain of not following the process.  In my example their email doesn't go out on time. Only by having consequences for not following protocols can you have a smooth running process.

There is an OpenSource alternative of Jira: 

