Pulling location-based and link clicked reports

Level 1

Pulling location-based and link clicked reports

Hi! I am digging into analytics in Marketo and am having some trouble finding out how to pull 2 specific reports. Both of these reports would be based off engagement from a specific email.


1.) Where a user was located when they opened the email. I know that this data lives somewhere based on some Marketo support articles, but can't find a way to pull it into a report.

2.) What links a user clicked in the email. I understand how to pull overall click rates, etc. but I cannot find a way to pull exactly which links the users clicked.


Does someone have experience with either or both of these use cases? Would love to hear how you've pulled them (or not) if that's the case. Thanks!

Level 10

Re: Pulling location-based and link clicked reports

2.) That would be the report type "Email Link Performance".


1.) I honestly don't know if that information is available. IP address is an attribute on the "Click Email" activity type, but you can't use it as a constraint on the "Has Clicked Email" filter. If that were possible, you might get a result using the "People Performance Report" /w Custom Columns.


If you want to know the clicker's database country though, you can use that People Performance Report. Have "Has Clicked Email ABC" in your Smart List section and group by Country.