Re: Pros and cons

Not applicable

Re: Pros and cons

I'm glad I could help. We've learned a lot through trial and error working this way, and I am glad that I could help 🙂
Not applicable

Re: Pros and cons

Hi Erin, I work for a company with 11 global business units. We use one instance of SalesForce, and one instance of Marketo. We also have purposeful duplicates, meaning that if a lead is a prospect for 3 business units, 3 leads will exist in both SalesForce and Marketo. Our company is structured in much the way that Carey's is--our business units market very different products to the same companies.

An added layer of complexity for us is that although we have a purposeful duplicate strategy with respect to leads, we do NOT have duplicate contacts. We also do not have contact owners, since hypothetically multiple reps and business units can do business with the same individual. Instead, we use the Account Team object on account records.

We decided not to go with partians because we have a small marketing automation team and felt it would add another layer of complexity to manage. It would also have been incredibly difficult to make this work with the way we use leads and contacts.

What we were able to do was have Marketo set up a custom de-dupe rule for us based on 2 fields instead of just one. So when a lead is uploaded or fills out a form, Marketo checks both the email address and a field called Business Unit to find out if a lead already exists and is associated with a particular business, or if another lead with a new business unit should be created. So far this strategy is working well for us, and we haven't run into any issues.

Hope that helps!
Not applicable

Re: Pros and cons

Hi Erin, Carey, Edward and Kate, 

Thanks for all the valuable input! My team is going through possibly forcing duplicates and all this information is great!

Erin - We originally started to look at Workspaces because there seemed to be a lack of permissions on the folder or campaign level.  We have a complex setup with some campaigns that should only be touched by our DemandGen Architecture team while still having a use case for employees that aren't automation geeks to use the system.  All of our highly complex campaigns live in the Architecture workspace and basic landing pages and campaigns can be created in their respective workspace.  As Edward said it can be a headache moving campaigns and assets from one Workspace to another.  

What we did to handle this is create a custom field called "requestCampaign" and then setup triggers in campaigns that listen for the field to get set to something specific.  This essentially is like a "Request Campaign' flow that works cross-workspace. Right now the workspaces operating this way share a partition.  Here are some more details on the setup:

Kate - the additional logic for Business Unit on the dedup rule is genius!  Did you generate a Munchkin code for each workspace or do you have a global Munchkin script?  I'm interested in how the activity log records if there are 2 records in different partitions that share a munchkin code. Does the Account Team object allow you to use tokens for signatures in emails? 

Carey - Does your company generate a Munchkin code for each partition?   Does the data not updating between partitions cause problems?  

We are considering forcing "dups" when porting a subsidiary company to our single Marketo instance but are still on the fence   😕     


Not applicable

Re: Pros and cons

Couple of items:

We do not use "leads" in salesforce, we convert them into contacts.  Could someone explain the duplicate leads idea?  How do you move a contact inbetween segments?  or is that why you would have duplicate leads so they can be in all segments?  For example, Contact 1 qualifies to be sold business line a, b and c.  (not sure how you would get a dup contact in SF, as they are only created if they have different email addresses but same name)

Thanks in advance.  Trying to figure out what might be the best for our company.