Program Summary view change in August '13 release?

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Program Summary view change in August '13 release?

The August release changed the Program / Event summary view to have 3 separate views for Summary, Used By and Membership.  The change isn't described in the August release notes and I'm curious why it was made and if this will be applied to Smart Campaigns and Smart Lists as well?  Hopefully this is a step towards having a History / Audit Trail view ;0)

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Re: Program Summary view change in August '13 release?

Thanks for bringing this up Elliott. I'm curious about this too!
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Re: Program Summary view change in August '13 release?

We changed this for performance reasons. For many customers, this screen was taking a long time to load, even though you only maybe needed membership or used by data (both of which were much slower to query than the base stats).

We'll likely make other similar changes for other assets in an effort to get every page on the application loading as fast as we can.
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Re: Program Summary view change in August '13 release?

Thanks Erik - It's great that you're optimizing performance, but when it results in a UI change, please give us a heads up if possible, so we can let our users know.
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Re: Program Summary view change in August '13 release?

We make minor changes pretty regularly, this isn't the first. It is a bit of a balancing act in not making our release notes too long and giving all the details. That said, I'll keep this in mind when writing up the next set of release notes and try to be more verbose when we can.