Program Success Date Use

Level 3

Program Success Date Use


I am trying to use success date to record the date for the program status via Change Program Success.

However, I do not think it will be good from reporting perspective.

Is there any workaround to record the program success date for the programs for the following wishlist:

The purpose of this initiative is help us understand how many programs a member has been part of, which programs they have been part of and when they were added, all inside Marketo.

  1. Capture which programs each member is in via a field in Marketo, which we can add as a column in a report to export.
  2. Capture which programs members have been through historically.
  3. Maintain a field which counts how many programs a member has been through.

Any leads will be appreciated.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Program Success Date Use

1. Capture which programs each member is in via a field in Marketo, which we can add as a column in a report to export.

The only way to maintain such a field is to call a webhook, with a webhook-compatible service can add/delete active entries in response to Add To Program/Remove From Program activities. Otherwise you could continuously concatenate {{Program.Name}} to a history-type field, but never remove entries.

The "how many" can be a score field.

I'd question how feasible this whole setup would be over the lifetime of your instance, though, because even the largest text field can only hold 32K of data. When storing full program names, this will add up. If you prune the list so entries are aged out as the field grows too big, this would work.

Level 3

Re: Program Success Date Use

Hi Sanford Whiteman‌,

Thank you for the quick reply. I do not have visibility on the proposed solution of using the webhook.

If there is any document or an example, that would be helpful to visualize the solution.

We have 14 programs across the entirety of the member lifecycle.  Each program uses a range of logic to pull the correct people in to the program, and there is no over-arching logic or decision which sits above these programs to determine which campaign a member should be part of. Also, there is no single view to see how many programs/touch points we have had with the member.

Possible approach that we are thinking is:

1. Create 12 x new fields to capture program participation.

2. Smart Campaigns to capture historical participation 

3. Smart campaigns to capture future participation

4. Smart campaign to count the total number of programs a member is in using a score token, which adds +1 each time a member runs through a new program.

I am not sure if this is a good way to solve this problem. Any suggestion or feedback would be helpful.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Program Success Date Use

What exactly does "historical" mean to you? Does it mean they're a Successful member of a program that has ended? Or are you including programs that have been completely deleted?

Level 3

Re: Program Success Date Use


Sorry for the confusion.

By 'historical' , I meant -find all people who have historically run through the XXX Program and set their Member of XXX flag to True.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Program Success Date Use

Let's not discuss the Boolean field (I don't like it) but simply describe what they are now. Are they not members with a Success status? What makes them "historical" other than already having reached Success?

Level 3

Re: Program Success Date Use

Hi Sanford Whiteman‌,

Thank you for your quick response and apologies for getting back to you late.

Yes, I am looking forward to capture those members who have run through that campaign and Program status is success.

May be I can check if email is delivered to that person and then stamp that date in a custom field for that program.

We have not build this functionality yet in our workspace. 

Kind Regards,
