Program Performance by date range

Level 2

Program Performance by date range

I have a bit of a weird configuration in Marketo where my acquisition campaigns all relate to various types of time-specific marketing activity, e.g. web forms, email campaigns, events etc. Pretty standard, however I also have a second set of "always-on" programs which add members based on enquiries received with utm data indicating which digital advertising channel referred them (e.g. search, social, display etc.). These trigger simultaneously with the first set, but it's the first set that become the "Acquisition Program" in Marketo. 


This is problematic when it comes to reporting, because my reporting requirement is to see people acquired per advertising channel per time period, and the cost to acquire and convert. I enter my advertising costs in each of the advertising channel programs, and when I pull up a program performance report with them all, I get great data about my customers and their success status across my channels. The issue is of course, I can't change the date range of this report. It's always "all-time".


I have access to Marketo performance insights, and in theory, this would be a better place to look at this type of reporting. The issue with MPI though is that it only has the ability to look at "New Names" or "Successes". "New Names" is useless for these programs because they are not acquisition programs, therefore they don't acquire any new names at all. "Successes" is somewhat useful, but I can't see my conversion rate from program member to program success.


Short of completely restructuring my instance to make my advertising channel programs my acquisition programs (and of course, many of my leads are acquired without utm data, therefore they are not captured into these programs), I'm not too sure if I can get what I want with the tools I currently have.


Has anyone else tried to set up something like this? I'd be interested to hear any advice you have!

Level 2

Re: Program Performance by date range

I'm still looking for advice on this if anyone has any! Thanks!