Process for when a lead owner leaves company

Level 8

Process for when a lead owner leaves company

Hey guys,

Just trying to wrap my head around best practices for when a lead owner leaves. Right now we don't have a great process in place so I feel as though some leads/contacts get lost in limbo. Is there a way to automate this in MKTO somehow?

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Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Process for when a lead owner leaves company

Not really.

Consider what you want to have happen in an ideal process and then work to design that. Leavers tends to be a manual process to reallocate territories and records. How would Marketo automate that?

Level 8

Re: Process for when a lead owner leaves company

If Lead Owner was ______, change lead owner to ________-

not sure if that logic exists, but would make it a lot easier to transfer from old owners to new ones.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Process for when a lead owner leaves company

Unfortunately not a process Marketo has the ability to handle. I would recommend investing in a tool like Demand Tools to handle this. It is very easy to reassign leads to new owners, and even evenly distribute amongst a group of new owners.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Process for when a lead owner leaves company

While you can do this, it isn't recommended due to sync issues and potential territory complexity. Only a very small company could rely on this.

Not applicable

Re: Process for when a lead owner leaves company

I'm not sure if your Marketo instance is linked to a CRM like Salesforce, but I know at the company I'm with we've done this in bulk when someone leaves through Salesforce.