Problems with deliver vs bounced: false delivered or false bounced?

Level 4

Problems with deliver vs bounced: false delivered or false bounced?

Hello guys,

I landed with a bunch of invalid emails and I was looking for the reason behind it.

I found a multitude of these logs:

  1. Email send
  2. Email delivered
  3. Email bounced (main reason: 550 [internal] [oob] The recipient is invalid) 

This process marks the email as invalid even if the person actually received the email.




The solution could be just right behind the corner, but does it make sense? I mean, I can just run a simple batch campaign every day and validate the invalidated ones, but I'd like to understand if you have some contraindications.

Level 3

Re: Problems with deliver vs bounced: false delivered or false bounced?

Hi @ggerla 

If you expand the Email bounced activity type, you'll see the error details - Details: 550 [internal] [oob] The message was blocked by the receiver.

And this document here explains it well what the error message indicates: Email bounces with error "550 [internal] [oob] The... - Marketing Nation ( 



Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Problems with deliver vs bounced: false delivered or false bounced?

This process marks the email as invalid even if the person actually received the email.

No, it doesn’t.


Delivered doesn’t mean the person received the email. It means the person’s mailserver did not immediately reject the email at the SMTP level. That has nothing to do with whether it got any closer to the person’s inbox. If there’s a later bounce, that’s because the further scanning/routing determined the email was undeliverable. The email is thus invalid for marketing purposes.