Problems reaching inbox since the Microsoft Office 365/Outlook security update in July?

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Problems reaching inbox since the Microsoft Office 365/Outlook security update in July?

Has anyone else noticed a decrease in email open and click through rates since Microsoft updated their Office 365 and Outlook 2013/2010/2007/2003 security definitions and junk email filter?  There is more about it here:

We use Office 365, so what we see internally is that many emails are now hitting the junk folder instead of in the inbox.  It doesn't affect the deilverability rate, because the Exchange server did "technically" accept it.

Has anyone else noted this? And have you discovered a fix?

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Re: Problems reaching inbox since the Microsoft Office 365/Outlook security update in July?

We ALWAYS land in our own spam folder when conducting tests, probably because Outlook can identify that the email is not actually originating from our mail server. I haven't had any major issues with our outbound communications, however. Well, I should say that our deliverability is fine, I haven't seen any weird spikes in engagement with our emails that would concern me.
Level 10

Re: Problems reaching inbox since the Microsoft Office 365/Outlook security update in July?

The only thing I noticed is that a few of our emails now look horrible on outlook 2013, but not on earlier versions of Outlook. 
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Re: Problems reaching inbox since the Microsoft Office 365/Outlook security update in July?

Hi Kelly,

We have noticed exactly what you described in your first comment. Our deliverability is fine, but I have heard from several reps that their clients are getting the messages in their junk box. Also, on our website we have downloads that contain links to our ftp site for software trials, and we have noticed through feedback from support that more people not "receiving" this email than ever before.

Something is definitely different, I would like to know what the best approach to combat this is.

Wish I would have seen this thread earlier!
