Problems adding links to images

Level 1

Problems adding links to images

Recently I had an issue where I could not add a link to an image in an email. Everytime, I would do it it would just not add it. I would go back in and it was like it was never there. the link didn't even appear in tests. Finally, I just logged out and logged back in and was able to make it work. The link stuck and looked good in a test. Then this morning after the email went live, I received a note from a colleague that the links in that I thought had not stuck, showed up inthe live email in red. Looking at the test and at the email in editor mode, none of that was there. But when I explored more and looked at the HTML code of the editable field, the things that were not sticking, were there... but they only showed up some of the time and in a quick check of other colleagues, it only showed up in at least one person's email. Anyone else run into anything similiar?

Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Problems adding links to images

Well, it appears that your email editor and preview are faulting, or you have issues with your HTML. Are you able to share the email HTML code so we can have a look for any possible issues there? Are other users also seeing the same things as you do when they edit or preview the email?

Level 1

Re: Problems adding links to images

I would have to look for the faulty code, because I corrected the issue. I'm leaning toward thinking there might have been a glitch with my editor. Maybe it's best to log a support ticket.

I was able to however track down a few cases where it shows up with the glitch (see the second image with red hyper links) versus how it shows up correctly (First Image). See screenshots below. It seems that in Outlook via Mac App or Web Browser it does not show the artifacts, in a Windows Outlook desktop client it does show... or at least that is what I'm finding.

Screenshot 2024-01-25 at 12.50.15 PM.pngScreenshot 2024-01-25 at 12.50.53 PM.png

Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Problems adding links to images

While there's a chance that there might be an issue with your email editor, since you specifically mentioned the issue with differences in how the email is rendered in Outlook on Mac/Web and Windows, there could be a chance that you might have issues with responsiveness.

Level 1

Re: Problems adding links to images

This looks like an issue with the template, it would help if you could share the code from the editor for the module that you're using for this section where it's buggy.

Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Problems adding links to images

Yes, that's what I intended in my first comment. If @Ray_Swanson could share the email template code they have been using, we can check for any issues with responsiveness, as Outlook is known to be notorious for responsiveness and more often than not requires special styles to make it very responsive.