I have an urgent problem on my webiste.
Indeed, i have put a form on my website, but there is a default value, (the name of an old form), which is constantly on my field: email adress.
I need your help
I put a screenshot of the problem on the website
Hi Emilie,
Are you able to show us a screenshot of what the form looks like in the Marketo Form Builder?
Hi Emilie,
If you open that form in Marketo, see for the areas marked with arrows for the Email address field.
Most likely, that text would be there in one of these fields.
If not, may be you have some sort of javascript kicking in to prepopulating that field with that value,
Hope this helps
Rajesh Talele
Hi Emilie, after you have tried Rajesh's suggestion, I recommend testing in private browsing. Fill the form out multiple times and see if the issue persists.