I'm trying to test an email that contains dynamic content via segmentations, and where the text for each segment should be populated with personalized content via tokens. I can't figure out how to preview/test in a way that applies the segments & token content.
Simplified version of what I'm trying to achieve:
1. Has consult scheduled, all info
Text should be, "<token: customer name>, <token: consultant name> will meet you at <token: time> on <token: date> at <token: location>."
2. Has consult scheduled, no location
Text should be, "<token: customer name>, <token: consultant name> will meet you at <token: time> on <token: date>."
3. Has consult scheduled, no specific consultant
Text should be, "<token: customer name>, your consultant will meet you at <token: time> on <token: date> at <token: location>."
My results from attempted tests:
- When I use the email preview to review by segment, I see that they are organized properly with the correct token name variables.
- When I use the email preview by lead, the token data is populated but segmentation isn't applied (the default email text is used)
- When I "send a test" to myself, using a lead name that I know reflects a particular segmentation, the email I receive is the default email with variable names (i.e. not variable values).
Can someone offer any insight as to what I'm doing wrong? I've read all the relevant documentation about segmentation, tokens, and dynamic emails and I can't find the answer.
Test (sample) emails aren't suitable for testing advanced dynamic content such as Velocity and/or segments. Use real emails!