Re: Preselect radio button in Form

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Preselect radio button in Form

The Deep Dive on Forms 2.0 doesn't seem to have info for this instance. I have a form only accessible off our email footers, so I want to preselect the "Subscribed" radio button under subscription status. I've got the beahvior as required, form prefill enabled and the field mapped correctly (and said field is marked yes in the lead record). Why isn't it appearing already selected on the form? 

Thanks in advance for any advice!
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Re: Preselect radio button in Form

Hi Trish,
normally that should work and we can now just guess what could be wrong.
Other fields are prefilled? Are radio buttons in the database stored as "yes" like you said or "true/false"? Do you have the exact value from the database also in the radio buttons?

Best regards

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Re: Preselect radio button in Form

The email field is also prefilled-- that is working.
And it is a checkbox in the database that the radio buttom field is mapping to, and it is checked off.
But your last question I'm not sure of... I will dig into it and report back. Thx Steffen!
Level 2

Re: Preselect radio button in Form

Hi Trish, 

i had the same issue with a checkbox on forms. I checked with Marketo support and this is a bug with prefill checkboxes on forms 2.0. I am guessing radio buttons have the same issue. Support said this should be fixed in the June release. 
