Re: Prepopulating doesn't work in Forms2.0

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Prepopulating doesn't work in Forms2.0

I'm lost when it comes to building my email preference center. I have 8 fields in Marketo, which are all checkboxes (boolean, true/false). No matter how I build my forms (radio, buttons, select, checkbox), it won't prepopulate. Changes are updated in the database just fine, but this doesn't pre-populate (no matter what browser).
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Re: Prepopulating doesn't work in Forms2.0

Great news! I just read a comment in my support ticket. The February release will solve this issue.

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Re: Prepopulating doesn't work in Forms2.0

Another strange thing is when I, for text fields, set the default value to a lead token, it renders the value as html safe chars instead of just showing the email address for instance.
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Re: Prepopulating doesn't work in Forms2.0

No, just on a Marketo page. However late last night I discovered that only the first form on a page pre-populates. So it does work. Not for radio buttons, select, and checkboxes however. My Marketo boolean fields just won't pre-populate.
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Re: Prepopulating doesn't work in Forms2.0

I am having a similar problem. Any recent discoveries?
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Re: Prepopulating doesn't work in Forms2.0

Hi John, Pre-populating does work for all fields except radio buttons and check boxes. If not, please make sure you use only one form on the page. I have an open support ticket for the radio buttons and check boxes.
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Re: Prepopulating doesn't work in Forms2.0

We also have a ticket open related to this, which the status says the Marketo folks are working on.  We are also waiting on a fix for this.
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Re: Prepopulating doesn't work in Forms2.0

Great news! I just read a comment in my support ticket. The February release will solve this issue.