Re: Preformatted Text pre

Level 2

Preformatted Text pre

When I paste text into an email, the body is surrounded by <pre> tags. I've tried Sublime Text, Text Editor and paste without formatting and I'm seeing the same results. If I paste into the HTML viewer, it's fine but if I apply bullet formatting using the editor the formatting changes again. Any thoughts?

Tags (1)
Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Preformatted Text pre

Hi Adam,

This is a known issue if you copy in from Notepad or another text editor. For some reason, the editor thinks you want preformatted. While you can remove the tags in the HTML editing section, this is a pretty big irritant. 

Please remind support about this because I know of others who have tried and gotten little change.
Not applicable

Re: Preformatted Text pre

Just as an FYI, we're investigating an upgrade to those editors and hopefully that will improve behavior in this area. Josh is right though, makes sense to reach out to suppose.
Level 2

Re: Preformatted Text pre

Thank you both, I typically work with the HTML but I was giving a demo and thought it was rather odd to see the tags. 
Level 4

Re: Preformatted Text pre

I've also had issues with this recently. 
Any ETA on this?

Please vote for this Idea on the community so this gets fixed asap!