Is it possible to pre-populate a field within a form with specific values when a specific link is clicked on a webpage or a different marketo landing page?
Hey Andrew, this article should give you all of the ways that you can do this: Set a Hidden Form Field Value - Marketo Docs - Product Docs
Thanks Dory. Would Referrer Parameter be the one to use? I've never used this option before. For example if we have 5 links on a webpage that point to the same marketo landing page, can each link click pre-populate a form field differently?
URL Parameter: parses the query string of the current URL. If your form is on, you have URL params a and b.
Referrer Parameter: parses the query string of the referrer of the current URL (the document.referrer variable) if it's available. If your form is on and the person came from, you have Referrer params c and d.
Generally speaking, you should not rely on referrer info being available for use: it's a "nice to have" but you shouldn't make it a "must have" for reporting. If the referrer is an SSL page and your LP is not running SSL, for one example, you will never see the referrer. Best practice is to source-tag all links to your page, so the URL Parameters will include information about the source of the link (frequently referred to as "UTMs" but there's no need to use names that start with utm_)..