Postman bulk import of leads - no response?

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Level 10

Postman bulk import of leads - no response?

Hi everyone

I'm trying to bulk update some leads. I have a csv file with Marketo ID in one column, and the field value I'd like to update in the other.

I'm using Postman to try and create the job using this documentation:

Here is what I'm trying to do in Postman:

(I read that the boundary field is sort of arbitrary - you can call it what you like)

My raw body:


Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="agent_clusters.csv"




And form-data:

agent_clusters, and the file I uploaded next to that in the Postman interface.

So when I do this, I get....absolutely nothing. Zero. No response at all, at least in the regular spot in Postman. Which of course, makes this quite difficult to troubleshoot! Any ideas? When I make the file bigger than 1mb I get a "file size exceeded" error, but other than that I can't get any response output at all.


Accepted Solutions
Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Postman bulk import of leads - no response?

  • Content-Type is an HTTP header, not a parameter
  • the path is /bulk/v1/leads.json, not /rest/bulk/v1/leads.json
  • you shouldn't be faced with creating a muiltipart/form-data payload on your own; even in Postman, the form-data type does this for you

View solution in original post

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Postman bulk import of leads - no response?

Your boundary header isn't reflecting the actual content of the payload.

If the boundary header is


then the payload must have


View solution in original post

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Postman bulk import of leads - no response?

  • Content-Type is an HTTP header, not a parameter
  • the path is /bulk/v1/leads.json, not /rest/bulk/v1/leads.json
  • you shouldn't be faced with creating a muiltipart/form-data payload on your own; even in Postman, the form-data type does this for you
Level 10

Re: Postman bulk import of leads - no response?

Thanks Sanford! Silly errors

I'm now getting a response (great) but it seems I'm still missing a small piece of the puzzle. Here's what I have now:






Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=--------------------------WebKitFormBoundaryBQACkJZyaiIAXogC


form-data: agent_clusters (with file selected)



Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="agent_clusters.csv"







And I'm getting this error:


    "requestId": "1867b#16484baabbf",

    "success": false,

    "errors": [


            "code": "1002",

            "message": "Missing value for required parameter 'file'"




I've also tried adding "file" as a parameter, using "agent_clusters.csv" "agent_clusters" and even the URL of where I have uploaded the csv, and none of these change the error I'm getting. Why?

Additionally, one thing I don't understand is why I am putting some of the csv output in the "raw" body of the request despite the fact I'm uploading a csv with all the values.


Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Postman bulk import of leads - no response?

Your boundary header isn't reflecting the actual content of the payload.

If the boundary header is


then the payload must have


Level 10

Re: Postman bulk import of leads - no response?

Aha! Got it!

It turns out I had a couple of things wrong:

1. As you mentioned, when you specify "form-data" type in the body of the Postman call, you don't need the header at all - Postman assumes it.

2. My csv was saved as UTF-8, which means there was some weird encoding.

So it's actually a lot simpler than I thought. I just needed those three parameters (access token, lookupField of ID, and format of csv), then specify "form-data" in the body, and attach the file to a "file" key.

Thanks Sanford!

Tags (1)
Level 1

Re: Postman bulk import of leads - no response?

Hello @Phillip_Wild , please help me understand this.

I've a CSV file with three headers and sample values.
'GUID123', 'CompanyName', 'AKACompany'

And i don't understand why i keep getting the error,

    "errors": [
            "message""Header field 'CompanyGUID' not found"
            "message""Header field 'CompanyName' not found"
            "message""Header field 'CompanyNameAKA' not found"
Level 10

Re: Postman bulk import of leads - no response?

Hi Jiten


Which bulk endpoint are you trying to hit? Based on your info below, it looks like you are trying to update Company details via the bulk API. I don't believe that's possible - in my example, I was updating Marketo-only fields based on the Marketo Person ID.