Re: Possible to publish social poll on Facebook, but not on a tab?

Level 2

Possible to publish social poll on Facebook, but not on a tab?


I'd like to publish a social poll within our company's main Facebook newsfeed and am wondering if that is possible?  While it's not my preference, it looks like I could create a landing page with a social poll and then publish that as a separate tab on Facebook.  I'd rather place the poll directly in the feed if at all possible.

If that's not a possibility, I'd love to hear of any other ideas publishing the poll.

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Re: Possible to publish social poll on Facebook, but not on a tab?

We only support publishing polls to landing pages, which then show up inside a FB tab
Level 2

Re: Possible to publish social poll on Facebook, but not on a tab?

Hi Raj, thanks for the quick reply.  If I were to publish the poll to a FB tab as well as an independent landing page, would the poll data be consolidated across both locations?
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Re: Possible to publish social poll on Facebook, but not on a tab?

Yes, the data will be consolidated across both locations