Possible to Add Munchkin Tracking Code to Salesforce-Generated Emails?

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Possible to Add Munchkin Tracking Code to Salesforce-Generated Emails?

Is it possible to add Marketo's munchkin tracking code to Salesforce-generated emails?  We want to run a campaign using a Marketo form, but the emails have to come from Salesforce since our version of Marketo doesn't have the ability to Token Custom Objects (which we'll need to do for this campaign).

If it is possible, how do you do it?
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Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Possible to Add Munchkin Tracking Code to Salesforce-Generated Emails?

So you aren't using Sales Insight for this one?

I kinda doubt this is possible, but check developer.marketo.com to see if there are ways.
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Re: Possible to Add Munchkin Tracking Code to Salesforce-Generated Emails?

You can add Munchkin to any website, but not an email. 

Here is the documentation, Josh mentioned:
Level 10

Re: Possible to Add Munchkin Tracking Code to Salesforce-Generated Emails?

Right - in fact, adding any javascript to an email will likely cause some problems - at best the recipient's email client will just ignore it.
You should be able to reference custom object fields if you use email scripting:
t's not something I have experience with though, and Support can't help implement or troubleshoot it.
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Re: Possible to Add Munchkin Tracking Code to Salesforce-Generated Emails?

I think by Munchkin, Justin probably means email link tracking. Unfortunately, we can only track the links our system sends out. However, if you're driving traffic to a Marketo tracked page, you'll still get Visit Web Page activities and Filled Out Form.

Web Visits are probably a pretty good estimate that is close to Clicks.