Possible custom field creation~

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Possible custom field creation~


We are going to be sending out a marketing campaign to those people in SalesForce with a status of Interested.  How do I know if that is available to choose from the filters, and if it is not there how can I add it and map it to salesforce?  I have never had to do this before so I am glad that it is coming up!  Any information would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!

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Re: Possible custom field creation~

Hi Erin,

Is this the field "lead status"?  If a field is synced to Marketo, you'll be able to choose it in a smart list criteria.  

If its not there, you can add it by following this guide: http://community.marketo.com/MarketoArticle?id=kA050000000L53sCAC

Hope this helps!
