Personal Experience with Gigya and the Integration with Marketo

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Personal Experience with Gigya and the Integration with Marketo

Hi Community,

Was wondering if anyone had experience using Gigya, in particular the integration they have listed on their site.
Marketo • Gigya

Searching through Google and this community it hasn't been discussed so I'm hoping I can pull someone from the woodwork.

I'm trying to see if the integration is sufficient enough in the current state to support a general bi-directional flow for; new leads, updates, unsubs and bounces.

Anyone willing to share an opinion or a contact at Gigya would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,



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Re: Personal Experience with Gigya and the Integration with Marketo

I have not used it myself but went through a scoping session with my client who ended up implementing it.  It is bi-directional and a successful implementation thus far.  It definitely works as advertised.

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Re: Personal Experience with Gigya and the Integration with Marketo

I have not used it myself but went through a scoping session with my client who ended up implementing it.  It is bi-directional and a successful implementation thus far.  It definitely works as advertised.

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Re: Personal Experience with Gigya and the Integration with Marketo

Hi Jamie, thanks for the insight. Regarding bi-directional, does the Marketo to Gigya feed pass lead attribute changes or only unsubscribes? I was passed the documentation today and noticed it only calls out what appears to be a method for passing unsubs back to Gigya.
Marketo - Gigya Documentation - Developers Guide

Thanks again for the response, really appreciate it!