Person left company, how to find/update all auto responders by specific reply to name?

Level 1

Person left company, how to find/update all auto responders by specific reply to name?


Is there a way to search auto responder emails by a specific reply-to?

How can I find all auto responders that have XXX name as the Reply To? Is this possible? XXXX is no longer with the company so need to update the names on the auto responders.



Level 2

Re: Person left company, how to find/update all auto responders by specific reply to name?

Yes, through third party tools like LeadGnome. LeadGnome is a reply email mining technology.

I also built an out-of-the-box solution that sends an email alert to a Sales Owner when any email bounces, category 2, a minimum of 2 times in the past 90 days. This email alerts sales that their contact may have left the company, and they are asked to leverage LinkedIn to update contact information in an effort to use this connection to earn business with a new company.

Level 1

Re: Person left company, how to find/update all auto responders by specific reply to name?

Sorry for the confusion.

This is for our own internal email responders. When users download content they get the link via email responder. The person on the reply to from our emails is gone and need to update on all assets. My problem is I don’t know how to easily search for all assets that she is the reply to person. There can easily be 30+ and I can’t go one by one

Sent from my iPhone

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Person left company, how to find/update all auto responders by specific reply to name?

I thought that was what you meant, although you def'ly shouldn't use the term "auto-responder" as Marketo doesn't have such a feature and it can lead people to think about other areas!

Unfortunately, if you're not using {{my.tokens}} or {{lead.tokens}} across the board to set your From: and Reply-To: headers, there's no reliable way to search for all occurrences of a certain string.

Level 10

Re: Person left company, how to find/update all auto responders by specific reply to name?

+1 on this. and also +1 on using mailing lists rather than personal emails for alerts, as much as possible.


Level 4

Re: Person left company, how to find/update all auto responders by specific reply to name?

Hi Dan,

I feel your pain, I once had to comb through 100s of emails for similar reason. The comments above are all very helpful, but sounds like you still need to find these alert emails and update them.

Are you pretty consistent in naming your assets? You could go to Design Studio > Emails (the top level) and search for "Alert." (Use your browser's search, I was never really successful with the Quick Find for these).

Alternatively, go to the Campaign Inspector and using the Quick Find search for Send Alert. This will show all the smart campaigns using a Send Alert flow step. Comb through these flow steps, find the email used and update the Reply To. 

As Sanford pointed out, using my tokens for this would make these updates much easier in the future.

Good luck!
