Re: People emails breakdown report

Level 2

People emails breakdown report


Is it possible to see "people" engagement breakdown report (emails and activity) from the dashboard view of the program? 


Thank you in advance,


Level 9 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: People emails breakdown report

For people activity, try a Smart List(s), with the constraint of Test Variant, and the filters for activities you'd want to see. Use Dashboard, or Email Performance Report for Email Performance.


Hope this helps!

Level 2

Re: People emails breakdown report

Dear Balkar,

Thank you for your help.

Can I see the emails breakdown in the Email performance report?

I can see there only the activity.



Level 9 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: People emails breakdown report

You can only see the performance metrics of the email - how the email performed, not the audience. The metrics in the report represent performance of Email. E.g. An email had an open rate of 10% - you can't see those 10% audience as a list of members in the "email performance report"

Level 2

Re: People emails breakdown report

Ok thanks.

May I ask if there is an option in Marketo to see the report that Iā€™m looking for?

Level 9 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: People emails breakdown report

We can certainly look at records who opened/clicked etc by defining the criteria in a Smart List.

Level 2

Re: People emails breakdown report

I will clarify my request:

I would like to find a report that shows the activity (opened or clicked) of members (including emails) for all the mailshots that were send last month for example.

The report should analyze few mailshots according to the period f time that we will set.

Can I do it?



Level 9 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: People emails breakdown report

I would like to find a report that shows the activity (opened or clicked) of members

Email Performance Report can fetch you this. Go to Analytics > Email Performance and define the Sent Dates (say, sent last month)

The table will tell you  Delivered, Hard Bounced etc,

Here's the detail of the same - Email Performance Report - Marketo Docs - Product Documentation 

Level 2

Re: People emails breakdown report

Thanks, Iā€™m sorry for the misunderstanding.

I will clarify my request:

I would like to find a report that shows the activity (opened or clicked) of members (including emails) for all the mailshots that were send last month for example.

The report should analyze few mailshots according to the period f time that we will set.

Level 9 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: People emails breakdown report

No, we can't group Emails by People they were sent to, by standard Marketo features.