I don't mean to hijack this conversation, but figured I'd hop in here rather than create a net new thread. Maybe my problem will be similar to Christina's.
I've attached an image of the general style that our nurturing campaign is set up as. You'll notice the "Run Campaign" houses all of the members throughout the entirety of the program, and requests the actual send campaigns at set time intervals.
I have a group of leads, all cleary differentiated by a region of "NYC Metro", that I'd like to pause in my flow. What might be a good approach to hold off these NYC leads from the flow? Remove from flow, and duplicate the "Run Campaign" but remove the first two steps (everyone has been sent touch 1) and re-engage them in that flow when ready?
If the image below is too small, here is a direct URL:
http://pages.hessenergy.com/rs/hess/images/Nurture Flow.png