passing google tracking codes utm_ codes thru marketo to salesforce with forms 2.0

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passing google tracking codes utm_ codes thru marketo to salesforce with forms 2.0

We have recently switched over to forms 2.0 for most of our forms, and are having trouble tracking the google tracking codes (the ones that start with "utm_") thru marketo to salesforce so we can understand what of our media efforts are most effective. We did have a working solution set up for forms 1.0, when we iframed the forms in to the pages, but with the new embed code, that parsing doesn't work.

Anyone have a working model or know how to do this? Any helpappreciated.


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Re: passing google tracking codes utm_ codes thru marketo to salesforce with forms 2.0

You will need to create a hidden field in your form that is auto-populated with the value of UTM parameter. Here's how to do this:
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Re: passing google tracking codes utm_ codes thru marketo to salesforce with forms 2.0

Actually that would only work if the parameter is being passed in the URL, correct? The google tracking code isn't, but it is on the page if you have google analytics included on the page, which we do. In forms 1.0, we had a javascript that parsed the google cookie and passed the UTM_ codes via javascript when we iframed in the form - now that we are embedding the form, it doesn't look like this is an option.

Any ideas on how to pass the codes to an embedded form? Any help apprecaited.



Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: passing google tracking codes utm_ codes thru marketo to salesforce with forms 2.0

Embedding the form will work with URL parameters. 

Hidden fields don't work when you use the Known Lead option on Form 2.0.

If you are somehow relying on GA code and a cookie to pass this instead, then you need to look at your code. Not sure why you need this except if the Lead goes off the landing page and visits a different form.
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Re: passing google tracking codes utm_ codes thru marketo to salesforce with forms 2.0

Yes John, you would have to pass the parameter through the URL. The above suggestions are the way to go. Just create your new fields in SalesForce to pass the data through for lead syncs.