Thanks... I have a little problem now... (two, in fact).
1. I know the key field of my custom object, it's name is testID... The custom object has two records (with testID values 1 and 2). Sending the getCustomObjects request with just one Attribute (with testID 1 for example) I am getting the desired record... also if I send the request with testID 2. But if I want to get both, by sending the two keys in the ArrayOfAttributes, I get an error...
here you can see the XML request and the response with the error
REQUEST: <paramsGetCustomObjects xmlns=""> <objTypeName xmlns="">CustomTest</objTypeName> <streamPosition xsi:nil="true" xmlns=""/> <customObjKeyList xmlns=""> <attribute> <attrName>testID</attrName> <attrType>integer</attrType> <attrValue>1</attrValue> </attribute> <attribute> <attrName>testID</attrName> <attrType>integer</attrType> <attrValue>2</attrValue> </attribute> </customObjKeyList> <includeAttributes xmlns=""> <stringItem>testID</stringItem> <stringItem>ObjectID</stringItem> </includeAttributes> </paramsGetCustomObjects> RESPONSE: <SOAP-ENV:Fault> <faultcode>SOAP-ENV:Server</faultcode> <faultstring>Internal error</faultstring> <detail> <ns1:serviceException xmlns:ns1=""> <name>mktValidationException</name> <message>Duplicate name in key list: testID</message> <code>10001</code> </ns1:serviceException> </detail> </SOAP-ENV:Fault>
What am I doing wrong?